Beer before liquor? Busting 6 popular myths about hangovers

how long does a hangover last

Ingesting too much of one or both substances can be toxic to the liver. For that reason, the Food and Drug Administration advises against drinking when taking any medicine that includes acetaminophen. If you’re vomiting frequently, it’s important to be mindful of dehydration symptoms, like dark-colored urine, decreased urination, and fatigue. They found that participants tended to report feeling worse after drinking bourbon, which has a higher congener content.

General Health

If you drink enough alcohol to vomit, then that’s even more fluid lost. There’s evidence that reduced sleep after drinking leads to more severe hangovers. Still, 24 hours can feel like an eternity when you’re dealing with a mishmash of physical and mental symptoms. And depending on various factors, some symptoms can be worse than others in terms of severity and duration.

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As a 2021 study pointed out, many of these alleged treatments contain potentially harmful amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. Inpatient treatment programs provide intensive therapy and medical care in a residential setting. You’ll receive 24-hour care and support from medical professionals.

  1. When you combine alcohol with drugs containing acetaminophen, like Tylenol, you run the risk of liver damage, according to the NIAAA.
  2. In most people, the body breaks down acetaldehyde before it causes problems.
  3. But when the alcohol wears off, your nervous system must readjust.

Myth: Hangover symptoms are physical.

Generally, hangovers are characterized by discomfort—and you may want to stay in bed all day. Sometimes, hangovers can be more serious and can cause health issues that require medical attention. No one is exactly sure how ethanol causes its various effects, but once absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream it can freely cross out of the blood and into nerve cells of the brain. Once in the brain it causes a chemical release that leads to pleasurable feelings, and it lessens inhibitions by depressing certain frontal lobe functions. Motor pathways become overactive, and blood sugar is processed less efficiently in the brain.

Without food in your stomach, most of the alcohol finds its way into your blood quickly. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, which is what leads to some of the symptoms of a hangover like dry mouth, fatigue and dizziness. Symptoms of a hangover generally last about 24 hours, but some people feel better after a few hours while others may have symptoms that persist for more than a day.

how long does a hangover last

Talk with your healthcare professional if you’re concerned that frequent heavy drinking may lead to serious problems, such as alcohol withdrawal. Because drinking is often an evening activity, hangovers are commonly described as “morning-after” effects. However, you can have a hangover any time of the day—they usually begin between three and ten hours after drinking. If you plan to drink alcohol and want to reduce potential symptoms, practice moderation, he says.

Sian Ferguson is a freelance health and cannabis writer based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s passionate about empowering readers to take care of their mental and physical health What is Abuse Counselor through science-based, empathetically delivered information. It may last longer or shorter, depending on your unique biology and how much you’ve had to drink. Although antiemetic medication like Pepto-Bismol might help reduce nausea and vomiting, it might not stop it entirely. If you’re not sure which OTC nausea treatment to choose, consider speaking with a pharmacist.

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